Inspire Turning Over a New Leaf

In the Midwest, it still feels like summer. The warm weather is lingering around for a few more weeks, and I'm not complaining. I love summer, but before we know it, cooler weather will greet us. It's officially the fall season. Usually, I welcome a new season with a special blog post. This time, I'm reflecting on the concept of establishing "Autumn resolutions." 

Why should you wait until January to make resolutions? Why should you wait until the new year to "reinvent" yourself? Why can't you do it right now, when the season is changing? It's time to turn over a new leaf and open a new chapter of your life. 

According to The Cambridge Dictionary, the expression "turn over a new leaf" means to change your behavior in a positive way. You decide to "turn the page" and change something about your life, even if it's something small. One small change can have a lasting impact. 

Currently, the trees are beginning to show you just how beautiful it is to let go of the past, to shake off leaves, and turn over a new leaf. They're demonstrating just how beautiful "letting go" can be. Are you ready to follow in their footsteps? Are you ready to let go of something in the past? Are you ready to shake away the stresses in your life and begin again? Are you ready to simplify your life in order to find a new lightness?

(photo/Fine Art America)

Turning over a new leaf can be accomplished by trying the following: 
  • Call a "time-out" on your busiest days. Take a break and go for a walk (and appreciate the fall scenery!), take a longer lunch break (if possible), or call a friend. Taking a brief break will help prevent the eventual "burn out" we want to avoid. 
  • Create space in your life for happiness. If there's something that makes you unhappy, let it go. Don't be afraid to say goodbye. The unhappiness is dragging you down. Let it go to create space for light and happiness.
  • Take a moment to be thankful and show gratitude. Instead of focusing on what you want, think about what you already have. Remind yourself of the little blessings in your life. This recognition will help you refocus your mindset and goals. 
  • Recognize your goals. While you need to appreciate what you already have in your life, recognize where you want to go in the future. Where do you want to see yourself in a year from now? Does the person in this vision look happy? If so, fight for that person. Fight for those goals. You won't regret it. 
It's a beautiful process to turn over a new life. I mean, just look at the trees this season. They're beautiful and free. You can be the same way. Let your leaves fall. 



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