Inspire Appreciation for Winter 2019

"Everything is magical when it snows." - Lorelai Gilmore, "Gilmore Girls" 

Yes, Lorelai Gilmore. Everything is more magical when it snows. Everything looks pretty--until the snow begins to melt into that brown "mush" on the side of the streets. But like Lorelai, I've learned to find appreciation in the scenery surrounding us. I've learned to welcome snow and invite it into my heart. Lorelai says it's her own little present. Perhaps it's our little present, too.

In the Midwest, the winter season hasn't been the same this year as in years past. It's been unusually warm and we didn't have a white Christmas. So, when I woke up today and felt the chilly winter air and reports of snow flurries, I went straight back to behaving like a school child: racing to the window to look outside at the winter scene.


Some don't see the beauty in a gentle snowfall. Many only talk about the inconvenience, but let's learn to appreciate this new season. Judging from this year's weather system, winter isn't going to last very long. It'll be spring before we know it, so let's appreciate the current season.

Let's appreciate the fact that it's easy to warm up with wool blankets, scarves, gloves, hats, etc. Make a delicious cup of hot chocolate and snuggle in front of a roaring fire. Watch a movie and stay indoors, listening to the howling wind. Watch the snow fall and then go outside once the storm has passed. Have a snowball fight. Sit and watch the snow, because it's just beautiful. 

It transforms the trees into a white, gorgeous scene. The air is frozen and the sky is washed with grey, wintry light. Everything looks like crystallized glass, completely transparent for us to see. It's one of the most beautiful sights, so open your eyes and look. 

(photo/Bound 4 Escape)

Learn to appreciate this season. Yes, it's cold. Yes, snow isn't always convenient. Yes, blizzards are dangerous, but let's try to find happiness. The winter season can be a good thing, if we allow it.

I smell snow.



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