Inspire Appreciation for the Veterans in Your Life

With Veterans Day this upcoming weekend, I have been reflecting lately about veterans and the ways we can show our appreciation for their selfless commitment to serve and protect our country. For example, we can make monetary donations to various veterans' charities. We can send letters to current military personnel and help their families by bringing them a home-cooked meal, cookies, helping with yard work, and more. 

(photo/Valir Health)
But the simplest way to show our appreciation is to simply say "thank you." I shouldn't really have to tell you to thank a veteran, but it's always good to be reminded. 

I recently wrote a human-interest article for a freelance assignment about a Vietnam War veteran who was dying in the hospital from liver cancer. He wore a baseball cap that designated his veteran status. Unfortunately, no one at the hospital thanked him for his service. No one noticed his cap or took the time to thank him. What did the veteran do? He removed his cap, ultimately feeling defeated. 

Luckily, a nurse who was also a veteran noticed his cap and connected with the veteran/patient. They became friends until the veteran passed away last November. All the man wanted was a thank you. 

Thank you. 

(photo/Leading Authorities)
Veterans defended our country. They selflessly put their own lives at risk to protect ours. Doesn't that deserve a thank you? We should spend more time thanking the veterans in our life. After all, they care so much about us and protecting our country. We should care about them, too. 

Take time to thank a veteran this weekend, and anytime you see a veteran in public. Remember to take time to thank a current soldier or military personnel--someone who might be fighting for our freedom. Someone who is away from his/her family for months on end in order to keep us safe. 

Remember to show appreciation for these brave and courageous individuals. While they don't serve for the "thank you," it doesn't hurt to tell them that we care. 

Thank you, veterans. We appreciate you so much. 



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