Inspire Self-Care

I have been thinking about organization lately and how it doesn't always relate to organizing your closet or office desk. Sometimes, you need to organize your personal life--throw away painful memories, start a new hobby, or take time to care for yourself.

I can't stress this enough: self-care is so important. I recently attended a workshop on self-care strategies, and I was amazed that it doesn't take much time or effort to care for yourself. For example, we all should take at least 15 minutes out of our day to focus on ourselves--whether you want to meditate, read a book, listen to music, knit, take a long shower, etc. That time is yours and yours alone. Take that time to think about your life, take a deep breath, and simply relax. 

We're busy individuals and I notice that when I'm the busiest, that's usually when my immune system shuts down and I get sick. That's not good, right? This wouldn't happen if I took the time to perform a variety of self-care activities. It's not hard to care for yourself, and in the end, you'll have a healthier mind, body, and soul.

The following ideas are simple self-care activities you can fit into a short amount of time. Pick a few of these and incorporate them into your weekly routine.

  1. Start a compliment file. Document the nice things people say about you and look at the file at least once a day for a little "pick-me-up." 
  2. Change the way you usually make decisions. If you typically use your head to make decisions, use your heart. Or vice versa. You might be surprised at the difference. 
  3. Goof around. Schedule in at least five minutes to "play." Download a fun game on your phone, or dance and sing in your bedroom while using a hairbrush as a microphone, just like you did when you were younger. Taking at least five minutes out of your day to just have fun will rejuvenate your mind. 
  4. Fix a small annoyance. Got a stuck desk drawer? Or chipped paint? Do you notice these every day but you don't do anything about it? Fix it now. You might be surprised that fixing the small annoyance would make you feel happier. 
  5. Do a mini-declutter. Go into your closet and look at your clothes. If you haven't worn an outfit in two years, throw it out of your closet. You probably won't ever wear it again. You don't need it anymore. Donate the unnecessary clothes to your local Goodwill or homeless shelter. 
  6. Meditate for one minute. Meditate for one minute and become aware of your thoughts, feelings, and sensations. Breathe in and breathe out. Repeat. Take this time to focus on yourself (it's okay to be selfish) and you'll be reintroduced to what you really want to accomplish that day. 
  7. Unplug for an hour. This is a hard one, but it's important. Turn off your cell phone for one hour. Free yourself from the constant notifications from social media, emails, text messages, and more. Put the phone aside and focus on something else. Pretty soon, you'll notice that you won't even miss the phone during that hour. 
  8. Edit your social media. Social media can be great, but it's also harmful at times. Unfriend any negative people in your life. Or, you can simply mute them and you won't see their posts if you don't want to appear "mean" by unfriending them. Whatever works for you! Social media should be a happy place to share posts and interact with your friends. 
    (photo/Urns Online)
  9. Exercise more. I've been regularly exercising for over a year now and I'm loving the results. I'm happier and I feel like I have more energy. Try to exercise for 30 minutes at least three days a week. 
  10. Make one small change to your diet. Drink an extra glass of water. Increase your portion of fruits and vegetables. Limit the amount of junk food you eat. Slowly make these small changes and you'll notice awesome results. 
  11. Have a good laugh. Read some funny comics or jokes. Or, I strongly recommend watching an episode of I Love Lucy. It always makes me laugh! 
  12. Write a letter to yourself. Imagine you're your own best friend. What would you tell yourself? Write it all down and then read it at the end of the week. Look in the mirror and think about what you really want in your life. Tell yourself that in the letter and your future self will be reminded of that. 
  13. Spend time with your friends and family. Don't work all the time. Make time for good memories! Spend time with your friends and family--and make a conscious effort to do this on a regular schedule. Having fun will make you forget the stress in your life and you'll feel happier. 
  14. Check in with your emotions. Reflect on how you're feeling. Sit quietly and name off your emotions. This will help you understand your emotions and think of ways to cope with any frustrations or anxieties. 
  15. Ask for help. It's okay to ask for help. Whether it's big or small, reach out to someone you trust. Talk to them about how you're feeling. It's okay to lean on someone every now and then. 
Of course, there are many other ways to take care of yourself. With a little bit of attention to your self-care, the stress in your life will lift off your shoulders. You'll feel more connected to yourself and the world around you. You must check in with yourself and understand how you're feeling to have a healthy mind, body, and soul. 

You're doing the best you can. Remind yourself that every now and then. 

Take care of yourself, friends. 



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