Inspire Courage

A sign in my bedroom reads, "May you have the wisdom to find your purpose and the courage to make a difference."

Until recently, I never gave much thought to the quote and its meaning. Have the courage to make a difference. Am I a courageous person? I don't like rollercoasters. I don't like heights. I don't like talking on the phone. I have many fears, but I believe I'm courageous in the areas that matter.

(photo/Diary of a Mad Mind)
I'm not afraid of taking chances with my work. Recently, I applied for a freelance writing job that I wasn't sure I was qualified for, but I wanted to try. My resume "checked off" most of the job requirements, therefore I said, "Why not? Let's just see what happens and roll with it."

Today, I received a response email and I actually got the job! I'm not going to go into specifics, but let's just say, it's a pretty nice freelance gig. If I wasn't courageous and applied for the position, I would have missed out on the opportunity to further my career. I may be scared of spiders, but at least I'm not scared to put myself out there where it really matters.

Take this as a lesson: It's okay to be scared sometimes. It's acceptable to have your fears. Everyone is afraid of something--whether it's public speaking, bugs, heights, airplanes, elevators, and more. It's okay to have those fears.

Be courageous in the areas that matter. Apply for that job you're not 100% qualified for--because you might "wow" the employers with a winning cover letter. Make friends. Join a club or organization. Do something that matters, and you'll soon find that you're making a difference.

E.E. Cummings once wrote, "It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." I'm happy with the person I'm becoming. Are you? If not, do something about it. Don't be afraid to take the next step.

Inspire courage.



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