Weekend Writing: Why Reading Makes You a Better Writer

I wasn't a writer first; I was a reader. At a very young age, I indulged in reading every book I could get my hands on, and my collection quickly grew. I fell in love with reading and I took a book with me everywhere I went.

This passion for reading introduced me to a new passion for writing when I was 11 years old. I thought, "Why don't I try to write stories I'd like to read?"

So, I did. I began writing stories I would enjoy reading, and this slowly developed into a passion. I fell in love with writing and reading, and nothing has changed since that discovery.

(photo/nancy myers rust)
Reading has made me a better writer. In college, I was a creative writing major with a minor in literature. For my minor, I took several literature classes with topics ranging in medieval British literature, Victorian literature, American literature, and contemporary works.

I learned where writing began, how it has evolved, and where it is today. Reading these texts helped me grow into a more developed writer. The more material I was exposed to, the more lessons I learned.

(photo/Neil Patel)
Reading teaches you so many valuable lessons on life. You can travel anywhere and do anything, and these lessons have found their way into my creative writing. By reading, I'm a better writer, so I'll always be thankful reading was my first passion.

Go out and read. Read as much as you can, and learn as many lessons along the way. Before you know it, you'll become a better writer.

Write on. 



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