Inspire Awesomeness and Personal Growth

I know "awesomeness" isn't a word, but please, bear with me. How can you inspire awesomeness in your life? Can you turn your work project into the best product you have ever completed? Can you write a winning essay for a class assignment? Can you be the best person you can possibly be?

As you can probably tell from reading my blog for over a year now, I have grown a lot since January, 2016. I evolved as a writer, but not just that...I changed as an individual. I grew into the person I know I'm supposed to be. I'm more confident in my abilities to tackle a project. While I'm still an introvert, I'm more comfortable talking in groups and sharing my thoughts with others. I'm learning so much and applying these lessons to my life.

I am growing. I continue to grow every day. Since I graduated college in May, I have grown as I have adapted to this new, post-grad life. It's an incredible journey, and sometimes scary, but I'm enjoying the ride. What about you? Are you ready to take the journey?

How can you inspire awesomeness and personal growth in your life? Think about it for a second. Pause what you're reading right now and think about how you can grow. No matter how old you are, you can always learn. That's one of the many things I learned from my grandfather, who lived to be 102. He was always learning and growing as an individual. You can grow, too.

Focus on one aspect of your life and think about how you can be awesome at it. You never know: you may be teaching someone else how to become awesome at the craft someday.
(photo/Genevieve Magazine)

Inspire awesomeness.

Inspire growth.

Inspire to be the best you.



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