Inspire Embracing New Transitions

Everyone has a daily routine. You wake up, make yourself a cup of coffee, catch up on world events that happened overnight, get dressed, and head off to work, or whatever you have planned for the day. This becomes a frequent habit. You head to work at the same company for multiple years in a row.

So, what happens if everything changes? What if you decide you no longer desire to work at the same company and you apply for a new job? You switch careers because your professional goals no longer align with your core values and priorities.

What happens when you decide to move across the country to an entirely new city? You're forced to meet new people and have a fresh start somewhere very far away from "home."

What happens when your children move out of your house and you're an empty nester? Everything you have ever known about your life suddenly changes. You now have to guide your children from a distance.


Life has many unexpected transitions, but don't be scared of them. People often see an open door and they choose to turn back around to the known dynamics of their previous jobs, home, etc. They freeze, not knowing which opportunity to take because there are too many options and they sense they're not ready to make this important decision.

The lucky ones--the people who aren't afraid--see an open door and they leap across the threshold, choosing risk over safety and comfort because they know it's the right decision. They know it'll be scary, but it'll be worth it. Anytime you make a new decision and choose to change your life is a frightening transition.

But would you rather live in fear and regret over what you missed? Or, would you rather embrace the new transition? Embrace the new changes in your life. Accept them as your new normal. Joshua 1:9 says, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."


You are never alone when you embrace new transitions. You have people in your life who will support you, encourage you, and stand beside you as you make these difficult decisions. But don't be afraid of the open door. It's open for a reason: to welcome you to your next journey. Step across the threshold and anticipate what happens next.

You never know what might happen unless you try.



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