Inspire Random Acts of Kindness

Let's begin with a question: How are you offering kindness on a daily basis? Do you greet others with a smile? Do you hold the door open for someone? Do you tell someone to "have a good day"? Or, do you offer kindness in another way?

I recently stumbled across a quote I couldn't forget: "Know that your kindness has a ripple effect in the universe."

Yes, that is so true. I think we often forget how important it is to be kind towards others--to lend a helping hand, to comfort others in a time of need, to be kind towards a stranger, and to think less about ourselves, and show kindness towards individuals who may be hurting.

The power of a simple act of kindness is already within you. 

All you have to do is intentionally act upon the positive emotions already inside you--the emotions that want you to be kind towards others, in your own unique, special way.

So, how can you be kind? It's easy! An act of kindness is anything that leaves someone in a better situation. It's something that makes people smile or laugh. It's something that cheers up their bad day.

For example, you could do the following actions:

  • Smile at someone as you walk past them in the grocery store aisle. 
  • Hold the door open for someone. 
  • If a friend is sick, bring them a bowl of chicken noodle soup and talk to them while they're recovering. 
  • Say "hello" to a stranger. You don't necessarily have to strike up a conversation. Just simply walk past the person, smile, and say, "Hi, have a good day." 
  • Let someone go in front of you in line. 
  • Call your grandparents and tell them you love them. They won't always be around to hear you say that. 
  • Help your younger siblings with their homework if they're struggling in a class. 
  • If you see someone sitting alone at lunch, sit down next to them. You don't necessarily have to become best friends, but just let them know that they aren't alone. 
  • Clean your bedroom without being asked. 
  • Thank your parents for everything they do for you. 
As you'll learn, it's easier than you think to offer random acts of kindness. I challenge you to make an effort to be kind towards others. After all, you never know what someone is going through in their personal life. They might be going through a divorce, had a miscarriage, suffering financially, ill, struggling with mental health, and more. 

As Atticus Finch once said in Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view...Until you climb into his skin and walk around in it." 

Exactly, Atticus. You never know what someone is experiencing. Be kind. Treat others how you want to be treated. Strive to offer random acts of kindness. It might not mean much to you, but it means the world to others. 

Inspire kindness. Always. 



  1. Great advice. It doesn't take much to make a difference -- and I'm not talking about money. Small things count in BIG ways. Now, if more people would follow . . .


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