Inspire Appreciation for the Mothers in Your Life

Sunday is Mother's Day; therefore, I am dedicating this post to my mother and the incredible women in my life who are mothers: my aunts, cousins, friends, and even my grandmothers, who are unfortunately no longer with us.

My mother and me (photo/Kasy Long).
Mother's Day is a time to show our appreciation for everything moms do for their families. My mother is the ultimate definition of everything a mother is: caring, loving, and always there for her three children. My mother has raised us to be independent and strong, and she guided us each step of the way as we matured and discovered just who we wanted to be.

Looking back at these photos, I have so many fond memories that can't even be captured by a camera. My mother is a stay-at-home mom--meaning she made the choice to stay at home and raise her kids while our dad worked to provide for the family. She was always there for us. As the youngest child, I needed someone to play with me when my older siblings were in school. Guess who that person was? My mother.

Three generations (photo/Kasy Long).
My mother is everything I want to be and more. I hope someday I can be half as good of a mother as she has been to me. She always says she learned from the best, meaning her mother (my grandmother). And I guess that's true because I have learned so much from her. I'm blessed to have been born into a family with strong women--and we must appreciate them on holidays like these.

We must appreciate everything our mothers (or motherly figures) do for us. So, thank you, Mom. Thank you for loving us, protecting us, guiding us, and caring for us whenever we needed it. Thank you for always helping me. Thank you for all of the memories and for demonstrating everything a mother should be.

And I know you're reading this, Mom. Thank you for reading everything I write, including this post. But most importantly, thank you for not just being my mother...but for being my best friend.

With love,
Your daughter


This photo collage was made by using PicMonkey (photo/Kasy Long).


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