Inspire Appreciation for Spring 2018

In the Midwest, Mother Nature can't make up her mind if she wants the weather to be warm or cool. The temperatures fluctuate every day. On Monday, it was in the 30s. Today, it's in the 70s. It won't stay consistent, but perhaps that's what spring is all about: inconsistent weather. 

Hal Borland said, "No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn." 

Winter takes its time saying goodbye. But, spring will eventually be here and it will stay. Flowers will bloom. The sun will shine, and butterflies will flutter around. 

(photo/Yoga On Siesta Beach)
I have always loved the spring season--ever since my childhood. I have fond memories of running around during recess with my jacket tied around my waist. I would then take off the jacket and try to catch yellow butterflies with my friends, but I was never successful. I would then play outside when I got home from school until I had to come inside for dinner. 

Spring meant it was almost summer--my favorite season of the year. Spring is a time for a new beginning. The ground is coming back to life after the long winter months. Flowers are blooming and birds have returned from the South. Everything just feels brighter and better. 

Take this time to enjoy the great outdoors. Do you like flowers? Plant some of your favorite flowers outside your house in a small garden. Sit outside and read a book while you enjoy the sunshine. There's even a little bit of sweet comfort in the first thunderstorm of the spring/summer months. Enjoy this time of the year. 

We have a beautiful world. Don't get so caught up in technology and what's on your phone. Don't get so wrapped up in your work and the things that don't really matter. Be joyful that spring has returned. Nature is waking up after a long winter's nap. 

Listen and wait for the first yawn. 



  1. So true! Spring is a lovely time to remember that life is about the little moments. #bloggingboost

  2. I do love nature



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