Inspire Each Other

In June 2017, I decided to establish a theme for this blog: inspiration. You probably have noticed that my Wednesday posts always have the title, "Inspire (topic choice)." I made this decision after reading a lot of blogs that have a specific theme:

  • Audrey Roloff's "Always More" blog
  • Allie Kay Crume's "we are new romantics" blog, where she titles each post with the phrase "let me tell you" 
  • Nicole Gulotta's "Eat This Poem" blog, where her theme focuses on combining poetry and food recipes--two things I absolutely love. 
You probably get the idea. These bloggers (and so many more) strive toward creating consistent content. I have always believed consistency increases your level of professionalism. When there are so many blogs existing on the internet, it's hard to stand out from the competition. So many writers have ideas to share and want their posts to be shared. 

That's why I created a theme for my blog. I want my readers to understand that they can always come here to look for thoughts on inspirational topics or tips on writing strategies. I want my readers to know that I have committed to the very idea of inspiration--the process of filling someone with the desire to go out and achieve their goals. 

While I'm writing about inspiration each week, I'm continually inspired by others. I'm inspired by the bloggers I follow (a complete list of recommended blogs is located to your left on my homepage). I'm inspired by my mentors, friends, colleagues, and my family. These individuals inspire me, just like I can inspire them. 

We can inspire each other. I'm sure even the most successful bloggers in our field are inspired by others. We need to learn from each other. No one is an expert on something; you can always learn something new. Inspiration is a two-way street. I may inspire you, but you inspire me. 

And I thank all of you for inspiring me. Let's inspire each other. 


Finally, I want to share some news with all of you. I promised I would share any publication news with you, therefore I am keeping this promise. Today is World Poetry Day and what better way to celebrate than to share a recent poetry publication on my blog? 

My poem "Ida & Jenny" is featured in "Inside the Bell Jar"
(photo/Kasy Long).
My poem "Ida & Jenny" was recently published in the "We Run Through the Dark Together" anthology of the literary journal, "Inside the Bell Jar." I was immediately drawn to the publication, simply because of the title is inspired by Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar--one of my favorite novels. 

The journal's mission statement is to be a home for poetry and prose pieces discussing themes on mental health. This recent anthology does just that--with themes focusing on depression, anxiety, and more. My poem, "Ida & Jenny," discusses the mental strain of a friendship between two individuals. 

Please look through the digital version to read the complete issue. My poem is found on pages 30-31. What I love about this particular piece is that you can read it two ways--starting with Ida's story and then reading Jenny's version, or you can read it from left-to-right. Both reading methods will result in completely different experiences, which is exactly what makes this piece so creative. I have never written a poem with this technique, but it felt especially right for this specific poem. 

Please enjoy! I'm very honored to be included in the anthology. 

Write on...and inspire. 



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