Inspire Hope

Our gingerbread houses (photo/Kasy Long).
I'm writing this blog while the wind is howling outside. I'm prepared to make hot chocolate later tonight to stay warm on this chilly winter night. My sister and I decorated gingerbread houses--a family tradition I love. It's traditions like these that remind me that we must be hopeful. We must inspire peace, love, hope and grace all year long, not just during this time of the year.

There is so much hatred in this world. People are bullied for their looks, who they love, their occupations, their passions, their opinions, and more. Why? I think in the day of social media, we are only more aware of bullying and the hatred spread throughout the world.

Inspire hope. Inspire peace. Inspire love.

Let's be happy and coexist. Let's come together this holiday season and try to make 2018 a more blessed year with less hate. It's a far stretch, but we can only hope for humanity to come together and realize that we only have one life. Why waste our energy spreading hate?

May this holiday season be merry and bright for you and your family. As you celebrate and participate in holiday festivities, remember the reason for the season.

Happy holidays!



  1. I love how you embrace traditions at this special time of the year. And, the gingerbread houses look really nice! It's getting to look a lot like Christmas!


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