Senior Year Shenanigans

My very annotated copy of Daniel Defoe's "Moll Flanders"
summarizes the work I have this semester. (photo/Kasy Long)
Please forgive me for neglecting this blog for the past month. I wanted to write, but my mind has been so focused on school. I've been back at school for three weeks now, and it's definitely already stressful and hectic.

As you may remember, I'm completing my senior capstone project this semester. I already finished the project component, but now I am enrolled in the capstone class where I will revise, practice and prepare for the presentation in November. I'm ready for it to be over, but I'm working so hard on making sure everything is as perfect as I can make it. After all, if I try my very best, then that's all I can do.

On top of my capstone class, I am also in three literature classes: British Novel, American Multicultural Literature, and Intro to Shakespeare Studies. It's a lot of reading, I must say. It's a good thing I love to read.

The tiniest book I have ever seen. (photo/Kasy Long)
Additionally, I'm the Editor-in-Chief of the campus newspaper, and I've also returned to my position as Production Manager for "Polaris," my university's undergraduate literary magazine of art and literature. These are paid positions, so I'm happy to be paid for the work, but I still feel the stress. I wake up every day with 20 e-mails in my Inbox, waiting for me to open them. I guess I better get used to it, since that will be my life once I graduate. I just wish I could hit the pause button on my life right now and relax.
Last week was my roommate's birthday. (photo/Kasy Long)

I guess I'll relax after I have my diploma in my hand in May.

I will be slowing down with this blog for a while as I try to stay up-to-date with my schoolwork, and squeezing a social life somewhere in there. Whenever something major happens to my life, I will report on it in this blog. I still invite you to join me in the continuous journey of life, and if you have life experiences you wish to share with me, please do in a comment.

Let's stay afloat this semester.



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