Inspire Appreciation for Brothers

This blog post may read differently than my normal posts and that's okay. In February, I wrote a letter to my older sister on her birthday. Well, I don't want to ignore my older brother's birthday! His birthday is this upcoming Saturday, December 1, and I hope he has a wonderful day. This post is dedicated to you, my dear brother. Happy birthday!


Dear Dale,

(photo/Kasy Long)
There are many siblings who don't get along. They fight all the time and say "I hate you." I feel sorry for these individuals because they clearly didn't have the childhood and the relationship we had, and still have to this day. We never fought as children (unless it was playful teasing), probably because our parents were smart and decided to space out four years between us siblings.

You're nine years older than me, but we have always had a close bond. You provided the best laughter and stories. You are in my fondest childhood memories, whether it's from us playing basketball, baseball, or just laughing together over the most insane things.

It was easy to look up to you in life because you always provided a good example for your sisters. It must not have been easy at times to have two younger sisters, but you somehow handled it like a pro! There really is no one quite like you.

(photo/Kasy Long)

Thank you for being the best older brother we could have asked for, and for always being there for us. We have to resort to FaceTime to chat now, but those conversations are always worthwhile. So, no matter how much distance there might be between us, just know that you're always close to my heart.

Happy birthday, Dale. Watch a football or hockey game. I know you'll be watching something. We'll see you in a few weeks for the holidays! I love you so much.

With love,

Your baby sister



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